All about me, or almost.

“I like chocolate ice cream. Preferably with chocolate chunks. I like sketching with rainbow pencils. You never know what color the line is going to be. I love dogs. And red. And castles. I love to read - comic books, picture books, mystery novels, biographies even love stories. ”

— Julien

I’m an award-winning illustrator, who works with editors and art directors to make wonderful, thought-provoking and colourful picture books for kids. 

I draw quirky animals. I’m inspired by poster art, and I love bright colour and simple shapes. My style is bold, bright and graphic with a vintage vibe.

For many years, I was a graphic designer at a major metropolitan newspaper. To lighten things up, I began drawing quirky animal characters in my spare time. A party of dapper little penguins on a milk glass launched my illustration career.

Now with 12 published books and several more in the works, I have earned accolades for my illustrations from 3x3 magazine, the American Society of Illustrators, Applied Arts, and the Bologna Children’s Book Fair.

With every book I work on, I’m always looking for the WOW moment! The moment that creates a sense of wonder, adds a deeper layer of meaning to the story, and gives the reader something to take away and think about afterwards.

Fun is important too in my work, and it presents itself in my books all sorts of ways. It might be through a joke, a twist, a reoccurring symbol or a punchline. However it shows up, it will make you laugh or smile.

I believe reading is number one for kids! Through books, kids make connections from the story to their own life, helping them to understand and cope with the world around them.

When I was growing up, art was always a big part of my life, A favorite family photo shows a four-year-old me drawing one squirrelly, dramatic line with a thick wax crayon on a large piece of construction paper. My face was both serious and joyful, and I haven’t stopped making art since.

My mom, an artist, had a collection of children’s books illustrated with woodcuts. My dad, an engineer, was a fan of modern architecture and Scandinavian furniture. They bought me two books by M. Sasek: This is Munich (my mom was Austrian) and This is Hong Kong (my dad was Chinese). But I preferred This is New York with its big red fire engine and grey skyscrapers on the bright yellow cover.

Other things to tell you about me?

I love airports, chocolate, and illustrated maps. I collect enamel pins and toy London double-decker buses. I still believe in Santa Claus.

I live with my wife in an empty nest so high up we sometimes see a falcon or two fly by as we sip our morning coffee. On a clear day, we can see the far-off skyscrapers of downtown Montreal.

Drop me an email to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you. 

What do you want to know?

Awards, Mentions and Exhibitions

  • Chicka Chicka Ho Ho Ho
    William Boniface
    Beach Lane Books
    (Simon & Schuster), 2024

    New York Times Best Seller, 2024

  • Un tigre en pyjama
    Anne-Sophie Tilly
    Les Éditions de La Bagnole, 2023

    Three x Three International Illustration Awards, 2019

  • 365, How to Count A Year
    Miranda Paul
    Beach Lane Books
    (Simon & Schuster), 2023

    CCBC Choice, 2024

    American Illustration #42, 2023
    Nami Concours 2023, Finalist, Korea

  • Becoming Blue
    Ellen Tarlow
    Beach Lane Books
    (Simon & Schuster), 2022

    First and Best Canadian Children’s Book,
    Toronto Public Library, 2022

  • Zero Zebras
    Bruce Goldstone
    Orchard Books
    (Scholastic), 2022

    Kirkus Starred review

    Mathical Book Prize 2023
    3x3 International Illustration Award 2023
    World Illustration Awards, 2023, Longlist, London

  • Vrooom, Vrooom!
    Mary Lyn Ray
    Beach Lane Books
    (Simon & Schuster), 2021

    American Illustration #40 2021

  • This is a Dog Book
    Judith Henderson
    Kids Can Press, 2021

    Joan Betty Stuchner Oy Vey! Award, Canada, 2023
    Applied Arts 2021, Canada
    The Alcuin Society Awards for Excellence in Book Design in Canada, First prize, 2021

  • Hockey ABC
    Scholastic, 2020

    Commended, Best Books for Kids and Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre, 2021

  • Un zoo dans mon jardin
    (A Zoo in my Garden)
    Flavia Garcia
    Éditions de l’Isatis, 2019
    Little Hakka 2019, China

  • Ma visite au musée
    (My Visit to the Museum)
    Anne-Marie Bouchard
    Auzou, 2017

  • Dépêche-toi!
    (Hurry Up!)
    Anne-Sophie Tilly
    Les Éditions Les 400 coups, 2016
    Little Hakka 2017, China
    Nami Concours 2017, Purple Island Award, Korea
    Bologna Illustrators Exhibition, 2018, Italy

  • Ne bouge pas!
    (Don't Move!)
    Anne-Sophie Tilly
    Les Éditions Les 400 coups, 2016

  • Mes jolies comptines
    (My Pretty Nursery Rhymes)
    Auzou, 2016
    Little Hakka 2017, China
    Illustration West #55, 2017, Los Angeles
    3x3 Picture Book Show #14, 2017, New York
    New York Society of Illustrators #59, 2017
    World Illustration Awards, 2017, London

  • Le Velo de Petit Lion
    (Little Lion and his Bike)
    Anne Zilliox
    Bayard, 2014
    3x3 Picture Book Show #12, 2015, New York
    World Illustration Awards 2015, London